Finding Life on a Business Trip

September 12, 2007

I’m heading to Nashville for business tomorrow. I don’t travel what anyone would call a “lot,” but for or five times a year, I get to stray from cubicle life and visit a new city for a conference – usually one I’m helping run. I’ve found that people always ask me what I’m going to do when I tell them I’m going on a business trip. Usually, I tell them I’m going on a business trip. You know, hanging out in a hotel room for a few days, languishing in the airport for hours on end. Nothing too exciting.

But the truth is, I enjoy traveling – well, not the trip part so much as the being someplace new. Even if it’s just around the country and not too often. Shopping and eating at new places. It’s refreshing. I try to visit local venues when I can. I love live music, and my midwestern town isn’t exactly a musical mecca. So, it’s always a treat to see a great band at a local venue in a new city. Of course, I can’t wait to hit Nashville.

I also enjoy the opportunity to get to connect with people while I’m traveling. I don’t meet many strangers. I love a good, solid chat with passengers on a plane. I’ve gotten to know people I work with on a much deeper level when we get some time outside the office to connect. This week, I’m meeting up with a professional mentor for dinner one evening.

I’ll read a few books, catch up on some research, wonder why I packed so much. Really, it will be great. I’ll return home exhausted and then head out next week for the same routine.

But just having a change of pace (even though on this trip, it will be a definite speeding up time) is just what I need every once in a while. I have to evaluate the state of everything before I leave so I know where I stand on laundry, projects, time catching up with friends. I can re-focus when I return to work, life, home, friends.

There’s just something about a change of place that changes my perspective as well. Somehow, this helps me find life. Appreciate it a little more. See where I stand. Of course, a nice vacation would do a world of good. But in the meantime, this will do.

6 Responses to “Finding Life on a Business Trip”

  1. The last time I got stuck in a airport while traveling, I didn’t whine or rage about it. I simply bought a couple of my favorite magazines and books, (Ok, and a giant Peppermint Pattie), plugged in my iPod and looked at it as some enforced down time. I worked a long crossword puzzle completely (something I haven’t done in years). And the best part? I didn’t feel one bit guilty. I didn’t work or make a “to do” list or make business calls. I simply carved out that bit of time to enjoy myself. I was surprised to see that three hours had passed, my plane was finally ready…and I felt pretty good.
    This post is a great reminder to all of us in this often hectic 24/7 world to take those moments when we can.
    Anita Bruzzese

  2. I love Nashville. If you get a chance, get tickets for the Bluebird Cafe. Local musicians in a round table environment, talking about music and singing each other’s songs.

    Very cool.

  3. Anita,
    Thanks! You are so right – forced down time is sometimes a necessary thing, sad though that may be! Being able to just relax and not worry about laundry or the to do list is something we should all do when we can.

  4. Darlene Says:

    I was just in Nashville for a business trip. I had the opportunity to stay at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center. It was an amazing hotel. The business part of the trip went very well. I even ventured into downtown Nashville to Painter Alley… I think that is the correct name, to a club with a live musician.

    Typically, when I travel for business, I mentally see it as a paid vacation. Despite the work, if I see it as a vacation, I usually relax, and enjoy myself. Nashville was great. I have no idea when my next “paid vacation” will come, but I look forward to them when they do.

  5. Tiffany Says:

    We stayed in downtown Nashville – our hotel was great, and the entertainment downtown was awesome too. We were right across the street from Painter’s Alley! Next year, we have an event scheduled at the Gaylord, which will be tremendous. Thanks for sharing your experiences!

  6. […] 11th, 2007 I blamed it on the business trips for a few weeks, the listless lack of focus and intense, non-stop feeling that a rush of deadlines, […]

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